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Is Locke in Love?! | Wildcard Game Beat 117

Hot gossip coming fast and furious. There's a secret romance in the works, and it involves none other than the Royal Family. Read on to learn more.
Is Locke in Love?! | Wildcard Game Beat 117

Is Locke in Love?! | Wildcard Game Beat 117

Hot gossip coming fast and furious. There's a secret romance in the works, and it involves none other than the Royal Family. Read on to learn more.

Is Locke in Love?! | Wildcard Game Beat 117

Hot gossip coming fast and furious. There's a secret romance in the works, and it involves none other than the Royal Family. Read on to learn more.
gilded gossip

Is Locke in Love?! | Wildcard Game Beat 117

Royals | Locke

My dear Sparkles, never again shall I doubt!

Never will I boot a bottle cap down the boulevard muttering that nothing ever happens worth talking about, much less writing down. Nor sulk, mope, or drum my fingertips on the zinc bar waiting on a bot with a bon mot to brighten my day. No more will I gaze up to Pleiades, Orion, or Horsehead Nebula, neighing that people there must be up to something more exciting than down here.

Because, my Sparkles—are you sitting down?

It. Is. On!!!!!!

I’m dishing, of course, about the long speculated, long wondered about, long longed-for lovebomb of Locke and Crown Princess Neva!

Sources tell me they’re cuddling cuter than two cupids in a teacup!

I’m so excited I can’t even come up with a celebrity mashup name for them!

(Can you??? Call me!)

Tongues started wagging the minute Her Hotness stepped off the royal starbarque with her belt full of tools. Neva’s always been a natural in the bot shop. (They say she was plasma-cutting armor before she could read High Chronian!) But King Valla thinks the only bolt a princess should touch is the bolt of cloth her maids sew into her wedding dress! No surprise that her biggest challenge was finding a WILDCARD champ willing to let her into his shop!

Well, now we know. Those pictures of the mysterious cloaked visitor to Locke’s suite? (Was your feed choked with them, too?) That incognito meet-o was the tryst we almost missed!

What’s more, my loyal mole tells me their intentions got amorous only after Neva joined his team on the sly some time ago!

The implications are huge, my Sparkles! No one could figure out how then-unknown Locke dethroned the throne-boy Boone in tryouts. But if Neva built his crop of bots? Then it all makes sense!


After all, Boone’s swoon haunts the House of Valla to this day! How would the King take the news that his old-fashioned daddy issues pushed the Valla family’s one true WILDCARD star into the competition’s garage—and into his arms!

Hate to say it, but all this puts even more pressure on Luscious Locke to beat that bowlegged belligerent Bolgar. Only a triumphant title can protect them both from King Valla’s wrath! Who knows how he’d punish Locke for a loss. Strip him of his team, for sure—and maybe even his citizenship! The king’s already seen his plans for one offspring scuttled by the mere commoner Locke. Hard to imagine he’d tolerate it twice!

But everyone loves a winner. (Especially Princess Neva, it would seem!) And that just might be Locke’s last hope!

Stay shiny!


Is Locke in Love?! | Wildcard Game Beat 117

Is Locke in Love?! | Wildcard Game Beat 117
Is Locke in Love?! | Wildcard Game Beat 117
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